Remarkable Faith: When Jesus Marveled at the Faith of Unremarkable People

Do you wonder if God is disappointed with you?
Maybe you’ve resolved, again, to study your Bible more, serve at your church, or be a better Christian, but something about your faith feels less remarkable than the ark-builders and giant-slayers you’ve read about.
Remarkable Faith leads you through eight stories from the Gospels where you’ll discover that Jesus found faith in ordinary people like you.
In Remarkable Faith you will
- Discover the kind of faith that makes Jesus marvel.
- Experience the freedom that comes from depending on your tender Savior.
- Strengthen weak and run-down faith.
- Find relief from the pressure of spiritual achievement.
- Exchange performance-based myths about faith for rest and relief from Jesus.
To stir your affection for Jesus and reawaken your faith, Bible teacher Shauna Letellier retells the stories of broken people from Scripture whose faith grew in the broken soil of desperation. Their lives were marked by suffering, pain, and hopelessness. What did Jesus notice about them? Their affliction? Their impoliteness?
Maybe. But the thing he remarked about, even marveled at, was their faith.
Shauna Letellier draws upon her degree in Biblical Studies and two decades of Bible teaching to weave history, theology, and fictional detail into a fresh retelling of familiar Bible stories. Her masterful storytelling and instructive reflections address some of our deepest questions about faith.
Read Remarkable Faith and transform weak faith into worship.
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About the Author

Shauna Letellier enjoys weaving strands of history, theology, and fictional detail into a fresh retelling of familiar Bible stories. She draws upon her Bachelors degree in Biblical Studies from Grace University in Omaha, Nebraska, as well as a variety of Bible commentaries to drape the fabric fiction over the framework of Scripture.
Shauna’s writing has been published on The Huffington Post, Day Spring’s (in)Courage, The MOB Society, For Every Mom and in MomSense Magazine (now Hello Dearest), a publication of MOPS International.
With her husband Kurt, she has the wild and hilarious privilege of raising their three boys along the banks of the Missouri River where they fish, swim, and rush off to ballgames.
Her words chosen with exquisite grace, Shauna Letellier does something remarkable–she draws us near to the broken hearts that drew Jesus. Then she does something even more remarkable. She draws us near to the brokenness in our own hearts. The most remarkable thing she does, though, is to draw us near to Jesus, showing how eager he is to bring healing and wholeness–not just to their hearts but to ours.
Ken Gire, author of Moments with the Savior
and Windows of the Soul
Shauna has clothed facts with fascination. She has put flesh and blood and emotion and longing to our mental flannel-graph figures. This is a dangerous book. It calls us to a different kind of faith—not the kind that makes us comfortable, but the faith that made Jesus marvel.
Chris Fabry, author of War Room and host of Chris Fabry Live® on Moody Radio
When we’re at our wit’s end, drained of every ounce of spiritual energy, Remarkable Faith invites us to reach out – just one more time – to our loving Father who delights in saving us. Keep this book handy for those times when it seems all hope is lost…for that is the moment unfailing faith connects us to a never-failing God.
Maisie Sparks, author One Light Still Shines
Like a tour guide sharing her beloved hometown, Shauna Letellier leads you through the winding back streets of eight of Jesus’ miracles. Her delightful blend of storytelling, research, and commentary will make you weep, wonder, and wander ever deeper into the Word. As it explores the unexpected faith of ordinary people, Remarkable Faith awakens a longing for the same relentless pursuit of Jesus—the Strength in your weakness, the Fulfillment of your needs, the one true Lover of your soul.
Kathi Lipp & Cheri Gregory, co-authors of Overwhelmed: How to Quiet the Chaos and Restore Your Sanity
Shauna Letellier delves into the stories of Jesus’ healings with fresh perspectives and windows of insight. The characters from the gospels meet the Savior, but then turn and address some of our deepest needs and pressing questions. Her conviction of the power of Scripture and faith in the Christ provide hope and encouragement. Intriguing us with sanctified imagination, we find a realistic and true-to-life engagement with those who met Jesus—not only as they invite and inspire us, but also as they challenge us to go deeper in our faith.
Gregory C. Carlson, Ph.D., Chair and Professor of Christian Ministries and Leadership
Trinity International University
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[bctt tweet=”Remarkable faith is present when we trust Christ to work on our behalf. #RemarkableFaith” username=”shaunaletellier”]
[bctt tweet=”Remarkable faith is not measured by achievements for God, but by what you’ve received from Him. #RemarkableFaith” username=”shaunaletellier”]
[bctt tweet=”Remarkable Faith is knowing that through Christ, God declares us worthy. #RemarkableFaith” username=”shaunaletellier”]
[bctt tweet=”Remarkable faith is the irrepressible outworking of a life changed by God. #RemarkableFaith” username=”shaunaletellier”]
[bctt tweet=”Remarkable faith is the braided strands of doubt, hope, and wonder. #RemarkableFaith” username=”shaunaletellier”]
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