Umpires for Little League seem to be in short supply around here so a couple times per seasons the parents are required to ump. Although this sounds efficient, it’s probably not the best solution—at least in my case.
So out of curiosity I asked the boys, “What would you think if I umped your game?”
Zach and Spencer gave me a please-be-joking stare, but true to form Levi addressed it: “A girl umping baseball? That’s just weird.”
With no substitute umpire lined up, I started to get a little nervous. To assuage my umpire angst, I thought I’d test my skill by volunteering to run the scoreboard. I lasted for three batters.
Talk about an intense job! You have to watch and record every pitch, batter, run and out! And any of my bleacher buddies can testify that paying close attention at sporting events is not my strong suit.
Lucky for Levi, just hours before the game we found an available umpire, and I promised to never ump his game.
After my scoreboard trial, I’m pretty sure no one else wants me to either. Here’s why:
If a wild pitch can imprint our fence, imagine the damage potential for human flesh! |
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