Throw the confetti, blow the kazoos! Today’s the big day!
A Book is Born.
The metaphor of childbirth has repeatedly come to mind throughout the last five years. That’s right. FIVE years. Here’s a little peek at baby’s book’s progression.
The Ultrasound:
This is the book on day-one of it’s development. Ultrasounds are always a little blurry. I didn’t know exactly what the book would look like or how it would grow, but here is the blurry, un-colorful, first picture.

And now you see the necessity of typing rather than handwriting 🙂
Book’s First Outfit:
But today it stepped into the world dressed like this:
I may be biased, but I think that cover is lovely. I have exactly zero design skills, so it was a thrill that a gifted professional like Connie Gabbert created such a beautiful cover.
Book’s First Home Movie:
You’ve heard of movie trailers, right? Trailer’s provide a little peek at the movie that makes you want to see more. When parents send a video of their new baby to friends and family, it makes everyone want to hold that little bundle in their own hands. And so it is with a book trailer. (Take a peek, and share if you like!)
Book Shower:
I’m probably stretching the metaphor farther than I should. A month or so after that first picture, I went down to my local independent bookstore, Prairie Pages Booksellers, to look for books on writing, because my writing experience up to that point was limited to Christmas letters and direct mail pieces. So it’s only fitting that on the book’s “birthday” we have a little celebration at Prairie Pages Booksellers!
Unlike a baby shower, you don’t have to buy gifts for me or for the book!! You get to buy a gift for yourself! And besides that, I have some gifts for you!! When you buy a book at Prairie Pages today you’ll be entered to win these gift baskets plus a few other goodies! (I’m not much of a photographer…they’re cuter in real life!)
I will be at Prairie Pages today from 4:00-7:00 p.m. signing books–and unfortunately this may be the only aspect of the entire process that I cannot reasonably connect to the childbirth metaphor.(Who writes on their baby!!? I’m getting ridiculous!)
If Prairie Pages is too much of a drive for you, you can always order at one of these online retailers.
Thank you for cheering and celebrating what God has done with a small and sloppy beginning.
Love this post! So cute! And I am so excited for you, Shauna! Happy Book Birthday!
Thank you, Holly! Appreciate your kind words of encouragement!! 🙂