Reflection based on Matthew 1:24-25.
God had called him the “offspring” and “the seed.”
The Psalmists called him the Cornerstone, Deliverer and King.
The prophet Isaiah called him the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace.
All of those names, plus a host of others throughout the Old Testament, were arrows pointing the way to Him. The various names were descriptors giving clues as to where God’s people would find the Rescuer He’d promised–indicators of what He would be like and what He would accomplish.
And so the long awaited Messiah was called by many descriptive names.
In the Gospels he called himself, the Bread of Life and the Good Shepherd.
But Mary and Joseph called Him Jesus, because that’s what God told them to do: “Name him Jesus because he will save His people from their sins.”
And because He did save us from our sins, you and I have the privilege of calling him our Savior and our Friend.
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