What became of the wise men who worshipped Jesus? After being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they returned to their country by another route, and disappeared from the record of Scripture. As I studied and pondered their culture, their preparation for the journey, and the certainty about Messiah that drove them more than 600 miles, one question shone like a star: "Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews?" (Matthew 2:2) I wondered if that question lingered in the … [Read more...]
A Monumental Christmas
A few years ago, I was driving around town doing the after-school shuffle. I dropped off my youngest at swim team and rushed to the middle school to pick up my middle son. One of his friends needed a ride, so I gladly ran him home. I planned to return library books and pick up a prescription before heading home for supper. I was zipping around town, feeling super productive and on top of my taxi-mom game. So, I was slightly annoyed when the large red pickup in front of me slowed to a … [Read more...]
“Through the Inkeeper’s Eyes” with Guest Charles Martin
This December our guest is Charles Martin. Charles is the author of 13 novels, (several of which I have recommended in the past). When I saw he had applied his novelistic mastery to this tender moment in the Christmas story--on Earth and in Heaven--I was spellbound. This piece was first published on his website and eventually found its way into his newest book. He graciously gave me permission to share it here. Grab a little piece of quiet, and settle in for this one. You're going to love … [Read more...]
The Family Behind Bars
Two years ago I had the privilege of speaking to an extraordinary church. Like many churches who find themselves meeting in borrowed buildings, this little group met in a cafeteria. Folding chairs were arranged in rows in lieu of church pews. A long line of stainless steel counter-top stretched behind the congregants where a sound booth ought to have been. The words to Christmas hymns were not projected onto a flimsy silver screen, but onto stark white painted cinder blocks. Congregants … [Read more...]
How to Celebrate Advent…for all ages
If you’ve been around here very long you know I love the Advent season. Though I didn’t know much about it growing up, it’s been a life-giving practice in my adulthood. If “Advent” is new to you, it’s simply the four week period leading up to Christmas. Churches often have a special scripture reading and light a candle each of the four Sundays before Christmas. Individuals and families might light candles on an advent wreath and read a daily or weekly devotional that prepares their heart to … [Read more...]
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