Our guest today is Heidi Viars, writer, photographer, wife, mother, and follower of Jesus. Originally from Germany, she now lives in Wisconsin where she writes on her blog about her rescuing Savior and posts photos of the beauty he's created. When I saw the cover of the German version of Remarkable Hope, I contacted Heidi to ask her to translate. There was a campfire drawing on the cover, and I was a little confused. But as soon as Heidi translated the title for me, I understood. And you … [Read more...]
Mourning Dashed Hopes: Biblical Wisdom for Changing Seasons
This is the first article in our summer series, Stories of Hope--modern stories of people who placed their hope in Christ and felt--at first--disappointed with his plan, purpose, or timing much like the biblical characters of Remarkable Hope. I'm thrilled to introduce Christine Chappell. Christine is the author of Clean Home, Messy Heart, the host of The Hope + Help Project podcast, and is a guest contributor at Desiring God. She writes frequently about depression, motherhood, and counseling … [Read more...]
“Through the Inkeeper’s Eyes” with Guest Charles Martin
This December our guest is Charles Martin. Charles is the author of 13 novels, (several of which I have recommended in the past). When I saw he had applied his novelistic mastery to this tender moment in the Christmas story--on Earth and in Heaven--I was spellbound. This piece was first published on his website and eventually found its way into his newest book. He graciously gave me permission to share it here. Grab a little piece of quiet, and settle in for this one. You're going to love … [Read more...]