Based on the gospel accounts in Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24 and John 20. I know Easter Day has come and gone, but there was one moment from the Easter story that wouldn’t leave me even after I’d picked all the plastic grass out of my carpet. Every time I read the story of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, the Sunday morning scene captivates me. Though Bible scholars disagree about the chronology presented in the four gospel accounts, Jesus' resurrection rings true from every … [Read more...]
What does Thanksgiving have do with the Temptation of Christ?
What does Thanksgiving have to do with the Temptation of Christ? Well, maybe not much at first glance, but I keep thinking about it after the story I wrote for you last week. When Jesus was vulnerable, alone, hungry, and tired, he fell back on his Father's true words and wielded them against the devil's deceptive suggestions. For Jesus, the way out of temptation and accusation was to quote God's word to talk back to the devil. I, on the other hand, am prone to entertain the devil's … [Read more...]
A Tale of Two Disciples
It’s no big secret that Peter is one of my favorite characters in the New Testament, and it’s not because he’s always a shining example of Christlikeness. I suspect many of us relate to Peter because he’s so…well, so much like us. He was the disciple who worked all night long. He lent Jesus his boat and ferried him just beyond the shore where Jesus could teach the crowds with a little breathing room. Peter recognized power when he saw it, and he was quick to leave his nets and follow Jesus. … [Read more...]