There are two radio shows that air during my afternoon 20 minute mom-taxi trip to town.
On each station, at 5 to-the-hour, the news is reported. For five minutes the hapless reporter force feeds horrific headlines, updates on things you wish you’d never heard, and the incessant bickering of the entire world.
Some days, I just can’t ingest any more of it.
And while that might make me an emotional wimp, I know I’m not the only one who sometimes feels like we’re drowning in bad news.
Because right after the radio news report, radio personality Ryan Seacrest, hosts a segment which appears to be an attempt to counter the unbearable news.
He answers every call by saying, “Tell me somethin’ good!” Callers say, “I got a new job” or “My grand-baby was born today.”
It’s pleasant, but it’s not going to change your life. It doesn’t offer lasting hope, and if you lost your job that day, it might even feel like a punch in the gut.
However, even Ryan Seacrest and his producers have detected our collective craving for the fresh air of good news.
Any good news, as it turns out. Just a little tidbit of something that won’t make you cringe. Even if the airwaves are thin with hope or polluted with raunchy lyrics on either side, it is a temporary, nanosecond of relief.
Since I’m not inclined to call into Ryan Seacrest’s show, I decided to tell YOU something good.
Sometimes I have look hard for good news, but sometimes it comes drifting through my news feed with a title like this:
In this World of Fakers, Tragedies, and Lies…THIS is Legit.
It’s an article by our friend Zeke Pipher, who recently traveled to Bolivia with Compassion International and had the privilege of meeting his family’s sponsored child.
If you need a breath of fresh good news, (or maybe you need to shed a few happy tears), I’d encourage you to read it, and click on through to Compassion International.
Then, either in the comments here, or on facebook, I’ll take a cue from Ryan Seacrest and ask you to “tell me somethin’ good.”
Marli wrote about her Compassion trip in her blog too: