{This work of fiction is based on the framework of John 21:6-7. Previously, Part 1:} Peter coiled the ropes into a sloppy pile on the deck. The man on the shore called to them again, but Peter couldn’t hear over the lapping water and sliding ropes “What did he say?” Peter asked. John answered, “He said, cast on the right side to find some fish.” The rest of them stopped fiddling with nets and oars, ropes and sails. They looked from one to another, too tired to think and too … [Read more...]
Frustrated Waiting
{This work of fiction is based on the framework of John 21:1-5.} It was a dreary but familiar rhythm. Peter cast out his net and heard it slap the surface and then hiss as it sunk. Hand over hand, Peter and John drew it back in scraping ropes over the hull. Slap. Hiss. Scrape. Nothing. Hour after hour. All night long. The motions had come back as naturally as breathing, but tonight he was waking muscles that had been sleeping for years. And they were angry. Three years … [Read more...]
A Fresh Look at the Familiar: Saved
{This work of fiction is based on the framework of Scripture found in Mark 4:35-41, Matthew 8:23-27, and Luke 8:22-25} {See also, Part 1, Part 2 Part 3} Andrew peeled his fingers off the oar, and examined his pruned and blistered hands. Why were we so afraid? He had no answer for Jesus. Water lapping against to boat shut him up. There was no danger now. The silvery moon relit the boat as the clouds dissipated. Peter untangled himself from the sail and dropped the soggy mass … [Read more...]
A Fresh Look at the Familiar: Silence
{This work of fiction is based on the framework of Scripture found in Mark 4:35-41, Matthew 8:23-27, and Luke 8:22-25} {Part 1, Part 2} Andrew couldn’t hear a thing over the howling wind and crashing waves. But he did see Jesus roll off the bench after Phillip shook him. Rain pounded the deck inside and collided with the waves outside. Andrew’s hands were cramping from his failed attempts to steady the thrashing boat without breaking the oar Peter had abandoned to unrig the … [Read more...]
A Fresh Look at the Familiar: Fear
{This work of fiction is based on the framework of Scripture found in Mark 4:35-41, Matthew 8:23-27, and Luke 8:22-25} The wind ruffled the water and the sails began to flutter. Andrew, weary at the oars, cracked open one eye, and closed it again. There was little to see in the dark, but the moon lit up the little white crests starting to billow across the lake. When a gust of wind lashed him with the tail of a loose rope he snapped awake. “Peter?” he called to his brother, half … [Read more...]