Ever heard of that debilitating emotional ailment called Tryer’s Remorse?
My first bout with “Tryer’s Remorse” involved a cheerleading uniform and visions of grandeur. And I blogged about it over at (in)courage. (In)courage is sponsored by Day Spring and they’ve graciously allowed me to share some words at their place today!
Would you help me thank the (in)courage team by sharing the link on your facebook page? You can click here, then click the facebook icon in the top right corner to share. You can also share it from my blog or facebook page. Thanks so much!!
Click over and have a giggle…and hopefully a dose of
Privet and Holly says
Just read your lovely
post at InCourage and
found myself nodding
as I read. I was especially
touched by the quote
that you wrote in your
bible…..It's so important
to keep that perspective
over the course of a lifetime!
xo Suzanne
shauna says
Thanks, Suzanne. It is a life long goal. Seems I need ongoing encouragement to forget what is behind and press on towards the prize–which is what matters most! : )