I’ve tried to imagine the disciples’ confusion as they witnessed the highs and lows of Holy Week. On Palm Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem the hailing shouts of “Hosanna! Oh, Save!” By Thursday he declared his body broken and his blood poured out, even as he was standing before them whole. Sunday’s hosannas were thrust into questions by Thursday night, as their king stooped to serve.
By Friday, they fled.
Jesus had told them their faith was small, little, even twisted, and as they ran and hid deep in the nearby olive groves, they knew it was true.
What can we do when our faith feels weak and wobbly? May I suggest two prayers? They aren’t fancy or long. Only 3 words each. In fact, they’re borrowed from Scripture.
Two Prayers for When Your Faith Feels Weak
1. Help my unbelief.
Like the man who brought his terrorized child to Jesus, we can pray, “Help my unbelief.” It’s a confession and an acknowledgment of dependence. We want to believe, but often we are so weak we can’t determine whether we believe or not. With these words, we confess our weakness and ask for His help in merely believing. Jesus answers such honest and dependent prayer. You’ll find proof of it in Mark 9 (which also happens to be the first story in my book (<~affiliate link )
2. Hold me fast.
It’s confession and request tied up in three words borrowed from Psalm 139:9-10.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
He is strong to steady us. We need only to ask and depend on him.
Such prayers and concepts are cemented into hearts and minds by music. So I was delighted to learn that Glenna Marshall has written a song that combines these two prayers in a memorable melody.
The title track of her new album is “Hold Me Fast.” Even when a season starts with Hosannah! and ends with Halleleujah!, the in-between time can be confusing. I’m thankful for Glenna’s reminder that Jesus helps my unbelief and holds me fast even when my faith feels weak.
This week as we remember the pivotal moments of Jesus’s mission–to live perfectly, die sacrificially, and rise eternally–we can rest in knowing Jesus is willing to help and hold his children even when their faith is weak.
You can find out more about Glenna Marshall here. And you can hear a little clip of “Hold Me Fast” by clicking here.
Her new album is available April 28. When you preorder, you’ll immediately be able to download the song titled “Every Sky” immediately. Sneak a listen here:
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