I can trace my love of imaginative, biblical narrative round and round the grooves of an LP 33 speed record album. Maybe you don’t remember, but a record album (pronounced reh-kerd al-buh-m) was in popular use shortly after the invention of the wheel and hieroglyphics--or so it seems. In the late 70s my parents bought an advanced piece of music technology. A stereo. This miracle of musical machinery was ensconced behind glass doors to reiterate the fact that all the blinking knobs and … [Read more...]
When Your Faith is Weak for Holy Week
I’ve tried to imagine the disciples’ confusion as they witnessed the highs and lows of Holy Week. On Palm Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem the hailing shouts of “Hosanna! Oh, Save!” By Thursday he declared his body broken and his blood poured out, even as he was standing before them whole. Sunday's hosannas were thrust into questions by Thursday night, as their king stooped to serve. By Friday, they fled. Jesus had told them their faith was small, little, even twisted, and as they ran and … [Read more...]
When Freedom Means Giving Up
It seems like I’ve mentioned my love for music recently. As a word-lover I especially love meaningful lyrics. So when enjoyable music and thought provoking lyrics bump into each other, I swoon. This week as I was buzzing around my kitchen with my Ellie Holcomb Pandora station playing, I heard All Sons and Daughters singing Dawn to Dusk and I was smitten with one particular … [Read more...]
Gifts of Music and Memory
I love music. Photo Credit: TiiaBear In the car, in the kitchen, while I walk, when I worship. And nearly every kind. I can appreciate a banjo as well as an intelligent rap and just about anything in between.I’m amazed that God would use elements as formulaic and functional as math and physics for a composition so artistic and enjoyable as music.His brilliant combination makes music a powerful tool.Think of the lyrics you know by heart. You have words from entire songs--perhaps entire … [Read more...]
An Easter Ballad
I can trace my love of imaginative, biblical narrative round and round the grooves of an LP 33 speed record album. Maybe you don’t remember, but a record album (pronounced rek-erd al-buh-m) was invented and in popular use shortly after the invention of the wheel and hieroglyphics. In the late 70s my parents bought an advanced piece of music technology. A stereo. This miracle of musical machinery was ensconced behind glass doors to reiterate the fact that all the blinking knobs and … [Read more...]